Friday, August 14, 2009
Thanks to the Velo Girls and La Dolce Velo for sponsoring an excellent Friday night of racing!
Men 1/2/3 Omnium
1. Dave McCook – Village Peddlers
2. Brian Peterson – Webcor/Alto Velo
3. Tom Fahey – Webcor/Alto Velo
4. Giovanni Rey – LTO Velo
5. Michael Hutchinson—Morgan Stanley
6. Nick Harter—Pen Velo Promodoro
7. Doug Hall – Pacific State Bank
8. Matt Tamel – RH Vila
9. Marius Farioletti – Affinity Cycles
10. Dave Bailey – Pedali Aleini
11. Tyler Brandt – NorCal Elite Cycling
12. Sam Milroy – LTO Velo
13. Joel Shaffer – Specialized Racing Juniors
Women’s 1/2/3 Omnium
1. Hanan Alves-Hyde – Proman Hit squad
2. Megan Guarnier
3. Kira Prokapakis – SugarCRM
4. Katie Stonebreaker – Velo Bella-Kona
5. Brianna Hand – Metromint Cycling
6. Ruth Winder – Proman Hit Squad
Men 3/4 Omnium
1. Rick Adams – Sugar CRM
2. Andrew Lanien – Team Specialized Racing Juniors
3. Eddie Zhang -- SJBC
4. James Bender – UC Berkeley
5. Dean Aleger – Rex Cycles
6. Mateo Ortega – Roaring Mouse
7. Scott Davis – Quad Cycles
Women’s 3/4 Omnium
1. Ruth Winder—Proman Hit Squad
2. Alissa Maglaty – Early Bird Women’s Development Team
3. Christina Yglasias – Proman Hit Squad
4. Vierna Mandel – PAA
5. Jill Eyres – Velo Girls
Match Sprints
1. Giovanni Rey—LTO Velo
2. Nick Harter—PenVelo/Promo Doro
3. Marius Farioletti – Affinity Cycles
4. Brian Peterson—Webcor/Alto Velo
5. San Milroy – LTO Velo
6. Ben Stern – Roaring Mouse
7. Mark Rodamaker – Webcor/Alto Velo
8. Bill Nicely – VOS Racing
Match Sprints
Round 1
Rey def Nicely def Baily
Stern def Rodamaker def Brennan
Farioletti def Peterson def Tammel
Hartder def Milroy def McCook
Round 2
Harter def Nicely
Farioletti def Rodamaker
Peterson def Stern
Rey def Milroy
Round 3
Harter def Farioletti
Rey def Peterson
Final – 3rd/4th
Farioletti def Peterson
Final – 1st/2nd
Rey def Harter
Men’s 1/2/3
Men 1/2/3 Omnium
1. Dave McCook – Village Peddlers
2. Brian Peterson – Webcor/Alto Velo
3. Tom Fahey – Webcor/Alto Velo
4. Giovanni Rey – LTO Velo
5. Michael Hutchinson—Morgan Stanley
6. Nick Harter—Pen Velo Promodoro
7. Doug Hall – Pacific State Bank
8. Matt Tame – RH Vila
9. Marius Farioletti – Affinity Cycles
10. Dave Bailey – Pedali Aleini
11. Tyler Brandt – NorCal Elite Cycling
12. Sam Milroy – LTO Velo
13. Joel Shaffer – Specialized Racing Juniors
M 1/2/3 Scratch
1. Brian Peterson
2. Dave McCook
3. Dave Bailey
4. Doug Hall
5. Tom Fahey
6. Nole Studley
7. Aaron Hunter
8. Michael Hutchinson
9. Tyler Brandt
10. Matt Tamel
M 1/2/3 Points
1. Michael Hutchinson
2. Brian Peterson
3. Dave McCook
4. Tom Fahey
5. Tyler Brandt
6. Dave Bailey
7. Ben Stern
8. John Conrad
9. Nole Studley
10. Matt Tamel
M 1/2/3 Miss ‘n Out
1. Dave McCook
2. Tom Fahey
3. Matt Tamel
4. Doug Hall
5. Joel Schaffer
6. Brian Peterson
7. Tyler Brandt
8. Ben Stern
9. John Simmons
10. Michael Hutchinson
Women 1/2/3
Women’s 1/2/3 Omnium
1. Hanan Alves-Hyde – Proman Hit squad
2. Megan Guarnier
3. Kira Prokapakis – SugarCRM
4. Katie Stonebreaker – Velo Bella-Kona
5. Brianna Hand – Metromint Cycling
6. Ruth Winder – Proman Hit squad
W 1/2/3 Scratch
1. Megan Guarnier
2. Hanan Alves-Hyder
3. Kira Prokapakis
4. Katie Stonebreaker
5. Briana Hand
W 1/2/3 Points
1. Hanan Alves-Hyde
2. Megan Guarnier
3. Kira Prokapakis
4. Briana Hand
W 1/2/3 Miss ‘n Out
1. Hanan Alves-Hyde
2. Kira Prokapakis
3. Ruth Winder
4. Megan Guarnier
5. Briana Hand
6. Katie Stonebraker
Women 3/4
Women’s 3/4 Omnium
1. Ruth Winder—Proman Hit Squad
2. Alissa Maglaty – Early Bird Women’s Development Team
3. Christina Yglasias – Proman Hit Squad
4. Vierna Mandel – PAA
5. Jill Eyres – Velo Girls
W 3/4 Scratch
1. Ruth Winder
2. Alissa Maglaty
3. Christina Yglesias
4. Vierna Mandel
5. Jill Eyres
W 3/4 Points
1. Ruth Winder
2. Christina Yglesias
3. Alissa Maglaty
4. Vierna Mandel
Men’s 3/4
Men 3/4 Omnium
1. Rick Adams – Sugar CRM
2. Andrew Lanien – Team Specialized Racing Juniors
3. Eddie Zhang -- SJBC
4. James Bender – UC Berkeley
5. Dean Aleger – Rex Cycles
6. Mateo Ortega – Roaring Mouse
7. Scott Davis – Quad Cycles
M 3/4 Scratch
1. Eddie Zhang
2. James Bender
3. Mateo Ortego
4. Scott Davis
5. Dean Alleger
6. Andrew Lanien
7. Rick Adams
M 3/4 Points
1. Andrew Lanien
2. Rick Adams
3. James Bender
4. Eddie Zhang
5. Dean Alleger
6. Mateo Ortega
7. Tim Brennan
M 3/4 Miss ‘n Out
1. Rick Adams
2. Andrew Lanien
3. Eddie Zhang
4. James Bender
5. Dean Alleger
6. Scott Davis
7. Mateo Ortega
8. Richard Brockie
9. Tim Brennan
10. Tim Bisson
11. Erik Ostly